§38-2-9 Notice and recordation of subcontractor’s lien.

Notice and recordation of subcontractor’s lien.

Notice of Mechanic’s Lien.

To ……………………………..

You will please take notice that the undersigned ……………………………. was and is a subcontractor with ……………………. who was and is the general contractor for the furnishing of materials and doing of the work and labor, necessary to the completion of (here describe the nature of the subcontract) on that certain building (or other structure or improvement as the case may be), owned by you and situate on lot number ……………. of block number ………………… as shown on the official map of ………………………… (or other definite and ascertainable description of the real estate) and that the contract price and value of said work and materials is $………………….

You are further notified that the undersigned has not been paid therefor (or has been paid only $………… thereof) and that he claims and will claim a lien upon your interest in the said lot (or tract) of land and upon the buildings, structures and improvements thereon to secure the payment of the said sum.

State of West Virginia,
County of …………………

……………………, being first duly sworn, upon his oath says that the statements contained in the foregoing notice of lien are true, as he verily believes.

Taken, subscribed and sworn to before me this ……….. day of ………………, 20…..

My commission expires…………………………………………………………………………………….

Notary Public